Reflective Peacebuilding: A Planning, Monitoring and Learning Toolkit

A toolkit intended to improve peacebuilders’ ability to be reflective practitioners which involves enhancing peacebuilders’ capacity to design and impact transformative change, and track and improve upon those changes over time in unpredictable conflict contexts.

Forging Inclusive Peace

An article exploring challenges of inclusivity in peace processes and proposing a shift in metaphor to enhance inclusivity.

Staying True in Nepal: Understanding Community Mediation Through Action Research

A chapter focusing on a community mediation initiative in Nepal that employed participatory action research as the mode for understanding practice and the development of relevant training materials for local use. 

Conflict Transformation in Protracted Internal Conflicts: The Case for a Comprehensive Framework

A chapter that outlines a comprehensive framework for conflict transformation in protracted, internal conflicts.

Prescriptive/Elicitive Training

A diagram illustrating the spectrum of training approaches in conflict resolution from purely prescriptive to purely elicitive.