new to peacebuilding?

Peacebuilding is a noble endeavor that strives to break beyond the shackles of violence that grip communities living in settings of protracted conflict. It represents the intentional confluence – the flowing together – of improbable processes and people to sustain constructive change that reduces violence and increases the potential and practice of justice in human relationships.

Emergent from decades of experience working in such settings, I have come to believe that the key questions the peacebuilding endeavor must face are:

How will we choose to lead into re-humanization while living in the cauldron of fragmentation?

How do we transcend the cycles of violence that bewitch our human community while still living in them?

As a start to answering these questions, I propose the following:

Transcending violence is forged by the capacity to generate, mobilize, and build the moral imagination. The kind of imagination to which I refer is mobilized when four disciplines and capacities are held together and practiced by those who find their way to rise above violence. Stated simply, the moral imagination requires the capacity to imagine ourselves in a web of relationships that includes our enemies; the ability to sustain a paradoxical curiosity that embraces complexity without reliance on dualistic polarity; the fundamental belief in and pursuit of the creative act; and the acceptance of the inherent risk of stepping into the mystery of the unknown that lies beyond the far too familiar landscape of violence.

Addressing the deep patterns of dehumanization that emerge from and drive cycles of violence requires the bold embrace of the less visible inner world of leaders where the wells of these qualities of imagination reside. To lead into rehumanization while living in the midst of fragmentation we must envision the life school of wholeness that centers the qualities of compassion, curiosity, humility, resilience, and courage, which permit us to be fully human with each other, even with those we fear, while we seek the creative strategies that transcend division and violence found in our shared journey and future.

For further orientation to the mission and vision of peacebuilding,
you are invited to begin with these resources:

The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace
The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A book weaving thoughts and insights about the nature, challenges, and possibilities of constructive social change.

Integration: What is the Value-Added of Peacebuilding
Integration: What is the Value-Added of Peacebuilding

A short description of the contribution of peacebuilding frameworks, lenses, skills, and imaginative potential in different contexts.

From Conflict Resolution to Strategic Peacebuilding
From Conflict Resolution to Strategic Peacebuilding

A lecture delivered to peace studies faculty on the evolution of terms and practice from conflict resolution to strategic peacebuilding and a transformative approach.