Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual

A training of trainers manual to support NGO workers engaging in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation initiatives.

Zen Brain: Mind, Brain, Social Perspectives of Views, Values, Ethics

John Paul's contributions to the Upaya Zen Center's Zen Brain conference in 2017, which explored the theme, "Mind, Brain, Social Perspectives of Views, Values, Ethics."

Practicing Peace: Psychological Roots of Transforming Conflicts

An article that links psychosocial theories with the social energies of reconciliation, then applies this framework to the case of Guatemala, emphasizing the value of linking the literatures of peace psychology and conflict transformation.

Spirituality and Religious Peacebuilding

A chapter exploring the meaning of quality of presence rising from spiritual resources that facilitate the practice of religious peacebuilding in protracted conflict.

Strategic Peacebuilding: An Overview

A chapter that sketches the contours of a theory of strategic peacebuilding and offers practical suggestions for peacebuilding practitioners.

The Mystery of Transformative Times and Space: Exploring a Theology of Grassroots Peacebuilding

A chapter exploring how space is articulated, defined, and redefined by people engaging in grassroots peacebuilding as a response to context-specific situations.

The Wow Factor and a Non-Theory of Change

A thought piece that explores positive approaches to peacebuilding as a composite moment in which the creative process lifts sight to a new, more holistic view.

Conflict Resolution in Cross Cultural Context

A chapter reflecting on the promises and pitfalls of conflict resolution in a cross-cultural setting.

Reconciliation: In Theory & In Practice

A panel discussion hosted by ConnexUs discussing themes pertinent to reconciliation both generally and specifically in the contexts of South Africa, Colombia, and Nepal.