Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual

A training of trainers manual to support NGO workers engaging in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation initiatives.

Beyond Prescription: Perspectives on Conflict, Culture, and Training

A manuscript written for the Inter-racial and Cross-cultural Conflict Resolution Project at Conrad Grebel College's Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.

Foreword, Journal of Peace Education

The foreword to a journal issue on music and peace education, this article considers the centrality of sound, vibration, and music to social change and response to deep conflict.

Practicing Peace: Psychological Roots of Transforming Conflicts

An article that links psychosocial theories with the social energies of reconciliation, then applies this framework to the case of Guatemala, emphasizing the value of linking the literatures of peace psychology and conflict transformation.

Staying True in Nepal: Understanding Community Mediation Through Action Research

A chapter focusing on a community mediation initiative in Nepal that employed participatory action research as the mode for understanding practice and the development of relevant training materials for local use. 

The Long Journey Back to Humanity: Catholic Peacebuilding with Armed Actors

An inquiry into experiences of Catholic leadership with armed groups and actors that overviews the types of experiences, approaches, and challenges church leaders face in contexts of open violence, and secondly proposes and explores a theology of peacebuilding.

Strategic Peacebuilding: An Overview

A chapter that sketches the contours of a theory of strategic peacebuilding and offers practical suggestions for peacebuilding practitioners.

The Wow Factor and a Non-Theory of Change

A thought piece that explores positive approaches to peacebuilding as a composite moment in which the creative process lifts sight to a new, more holistic view.

Civil Society and Reconciliation

An overview of how to build civil society and reconciliation in post-accord settings where protracted conflicted has created deep animosities and divisions.