Supporting Creative, Whole Peacebuilders: An Apprenticeship Program

A chapter weaving reflections emergent from the apprenticeship program that includes narratives from each of the four apprentices.

Five Qualities of Practice in Support of Reconciliation Processes

A practitioner’s view of attitudes and approaches for supporting reconciliation that have proven useful, cautioning against reducing reconciliation to a formula or technique-based methodology.

Narratives of Care: The Social Echo of Community Transformation

A lecture presented at the conference, "Conversations on Attachment: Integrating the Science of Love and Spirituality," in which John Paul explores the nexus of conflict transformation, reconciliation, and attachment theory through the metaphors of sound and circularity.

Practicing Compassion in Churchwide Disagreements

Observations and thoughts emergent from a request from the Mountain States Mennonite Conference as they considered the request to ordain a pastor in a same-sex relationship.

Giving Birth to the Unexpected

An article sharing lessons from settings of protracted conflict and suggestions for how to respond creatively and strategically to the attacks of 11 September.

Breaking the Cycle of Violence

An article exploring the nature of the challenge faced by the U.S. and the world following the attacks of 11 September and suggestions for responses to break generational cycles of violence.

“Two, Four, Six, Eight…Who do we appreciate?” A Dialogical Exercise for Engaging Diversity, Race, and Gender Issues

An exercise oriented toward creating a safe space for proactive dialogue and increased understanding of people’s experiences, fears, and expectations on diversity, race, and gender.

A Story from Ghana: I Call You Father Because I Do Not Wish to Disrespect You

A story of an encounter admist the escalation of conflict in Northern Ghana that shifted the future unfolding of conflict, perhaps planting the seeds that avoided a civil war.