Beyond Prescription: Perspectives on Conflict, Culture, and Training

A manuscript written for the Inter-racial and Cross-cultural Conflict Resolution Project at Conrad Grebel College's Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.

Making Our Way Back to Humanity: Beyond September 11

A chapter reflecting on the significance and impact of the events of September 11, 2001, for the world of peacebuilding a year after they transpired.

Civil Society and Reconciliation

An overview of how to build civil society and reconciliation in post-accord settings where protracted conflicted has created deep animosities and divisions.

Five Qualities of Practice in Support of Reconciliation Processes

A practitioner’s view of attitudes and approaches for supporting reconciliation that have proven useful, cautioning against reducing reconciliation to a formula or technique-based methodology.

Journey from Resolution to Transformative Peacebuilding

A chapter reflecting on three specific experiences that marked important evolutions in John Paul's thinking and practice.

The Paradox of Popular Justice: A Practitioner’s View

A reflection highlighting the authors' tensions around the concepts of popular, justice, community, and empowerment and an inside view and assessment of the success and potential of the movement toward popular justice.

A Pathway to Peace: Ideas for Advancing Climate-Resilient Futures

The second episode in "The Day After Tomorrow: A Virtual Talk Story Series," hosted by the Institute for Climate and Peace.

Mediating Across Cultures

An exploration into the construction of meaning as it informs conflict resolution training.

The Tiny Handbook of Poetry and Peacebuilding

A tiny handbook drawing connections between the crafts of poetry and peacebuilding.