The Poetic Unfolding of the Human Spirit

A travelogue reflecting on what it means to be fully engaged in the world.

Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual

A training of trainers manual to support NGO workers engaging in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation initiatives.

Breathe Out Hope

The opening ceremony for the 2021 4 Corners Festival with poetic contributions from John Paul, Raquel McKee, Pádraig Ó Tuama, and Jonny Fitch.

Supporting Creative, Whole Peacebuilders: An Apprenticeship Program

A chapter weaving reflections emergent from the apprenticeship program that includes narratives from each of the four apprentices.

Civil Society and Reconciliation

An overview of how to build civil society and reconciliation in post-accord settings where protracted conflicted has created deep animosities and divisions.

Of Nets, Nails, and Problems: The Folk Language of Conflict Resolution in a Central American Setting

A book chapter adaptation of John Paul's doctoral dissertation on indigenous understandings of conflict processes rooted in language and culture.

Resiliency and Healthy Communities: An Exploration of Image and Metaphor

A contribution to a report on Community Resiliency that explores the ways we organize our thinking around the concepts of "health" and "community" through metaphor and professional experience in the fields of peacebuilding and conflict transformation.

Let Us Talk: African Contributions to Peacebuilding

A chapter highlighting contributions to the practice of grassroots peacebuilding from Somalia and Liberia.

Art and Peacebuilding: Dwelling at the Hearth

A keynote delivered at the virtual Art in the Place of Conflict conference, organized by the Derry Playhouse in Northern Ireland.