
media types



Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual

A training of trainers manual to support NGO workers engaging in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation initiatives.

The Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation of the Guiding Principles by a Pioneer in the Field

A clearly articulated statement offering a hopeful and workable approach to the transformation of conflict.

The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A book weaving thoughts and insights about the nature, challenges, and possibilities of constructive social change.

Reflective Peacebuilding: A Planning, Monitoring and Learning Toolkit

A toolkit intended to improve peacebuilders’ ability to be reflective practitioners which involves enhancing peacebuilders’ capacity to design and impact transformative change, and track and improve upon those changes over time in unpredictable conflict contexts.

When Blood and Bones Cry Out: Journeys Through the Soundscape of Healing and Reconciliation

Through circular, dynamic, and non-linear metaphors, this book offers a promising new approach to healing for communities impacted by conflict, violence, and trauma.

The Poetic Unfolding of the Human Spirit

A travelogue reflecting on what it means to be fully engaged in the world.

Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians

A book containing practical ideas for transforming conflict in everyday life with a challenge to Christians to renew their commitment to reconciliation as the heart of the gospel message.

Memoirs of Nepal: Reflections Across a Decade

Reflections gathered from a decade and more of work in Nepal, written for The McConnell Foundation and friends and partners in Nepal.

Adam Curle: Radical Peacemaker

A book capturing Adam Curle's core contributions in an accessible, edited form, so that the breadth of his work can be introduced to new students.

Listen for the Lone Cricket’s Song

A collection of poems gathered between late 2019 and throughout 2020.

Els anomenats pacifistes: La no-violencia al Estat Espanyol

John Paul's first authored book on the history of nonviolent activism in Spain.

El conflicto y la violencia: En busqueda de alternativas creativas – guia para facilitadores

El propósito de este libro es ofrecer una guía para ayudar a facilitadores a realizar seminarios donde habrá una búsqueda mutua de respuestas creativas a problemas reales de la comunidad, iglesia, grupo o familia.

El abecé de la paz y los conflictos: Educación para la paz

Este libro pretende ayudar a personas educadoras y educandos a comprender la complejidad del conflicto, la guerra, la violencia.

From the Ground Up: Mennonite Contributions to International Peacebuilding

A collection of essays that chronicles, analyzes, and evaluates the Mennonite contribution to the new cultural paradigm in conflict resolution and peacebuilding theory and practice.

Into the Eye of the Storm: A Handbook of International Peacebuilding

A gathering of contributions from international peacebuilding and conflict resolution professionals offering a wide array of guidelines, pragmatic approaches, and models of constructive, culturally appropriate ways to approach to conflict.

La regulación del conflicto social: un enfoque práctico

Una manual se ha concebido para accompañar a un taller de entrenamiento sobre la resolución del conflicto.